GoBooth Photo Booth Rental
Are you making this photo booth mistake?
Updated: Feb 28, 2023
Are you for real? You don't know where to look when getting your picture taken? Oh boy, we've heard it all at our Ottawa photo booth rental company. I mean, it's not like you're trying to solve a Rubik's cube here, folks. Just look at the camera, it's right there, staring at you, with a big lens and all! come on! you don't want to end up with a photo where you're looking at yourself and your friends are looking at the camera, that's just awkward.
You may think that it's a no-brainer to look at the camera when getting your picture taken, but as it turns out, human nature often gets the best of us. We can't help but look at ourselves on the screen right in front of the camera. And, as a result, the photos don't always come out as great as they should.
But fear not, dear photo booth enthusiasts, for we have found a solution to this problem. Introducing our latest creation: the "Look at the Camera" stickers! These handy little stickers are placed directly beside the camera lens, providing a subtle yet effective reminder to look at the camera and not at yourself.
Not only do these stickers serve a practical purpose, but they also add a fun and playful touch to your photo booth experience. And the best part? We had them printed right here in Ottawa, so you can trust that they are of top-notch quality.
So, the next time you're at a photo booth, don't let the question "Where do I look?" ruin your picture-perfect moment. Just remember to look at the camera, and let our photo booth rental stickers do the rest.
Happy snapping!